
Refund policy: the refund, in case of abandonment, will occur as follows: 1) Send solicitation until 01/31/2020: 77.5% of the paid amount. After this date, there will be no refund.

The registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

In cash:
Realize the deposit of R$ 7,400.00 FUNARBE’s account. *IDENTIFIED, IN THE NAME OF THE STUDENT

Installment (credit card):

12 monthly payments of R$ 700,00



Banco do Brasil
Agency: 0428-6
CC: 3362-6
Fundação Arthur Bernardes
CNPJ: 20.320.503/0001-51

*As soon as the payment is made, either thru deposit or credit card, the receipt must be digitalized and sent to the email: making reference to the student for which it was deposited for.

Payment methods of the MATERIALS/TRANSPORT fee

In cash:

Realize the deposit of R$ 2,100.00 FUNARBEs account. *IDENTIFIED, IN THE NAME OF THE STUDENT

À prazo (2 monthly payments)

1st monthly payment – Realize the deposit of R$ 1,200.00 FUNARBEs account. *IDENTIFIED, IN THE NAME OF THE STUDENT

2nd monthly payment – Realize the deposit of R$ 1,200.00 FUNARBEs account. *IDENTIFIED, IN THE NAME OF THE STUDENT

*As soon as the payment is made, either thru deposit or credit card, the receipt must be digitalized and sent to the email: making reference to the student for which it was deposited for.

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados