
The city of Viçosa can be accessed by road or air (the Zona da Mata Airport is located 130km from the city, and the city also has its own airport for short flights). The city has several hotel options, as well as restaurants and other kinds of businesses that satisfactorily serve the community of Viçosa and near cities.

We highlighted below some other relevant information about the city of Viçosa, as well as some hotel options.

Climate: Average annual temperature: 20.9º C; annual maximum: 26.5º C; annual minimum: 14.4º C. During the winter, the temperatures (at night) are usually low, between 6 and 8ºC.

Hotel Options:

Hotel/ Hostel Contact Website Distance to the Department of Physical Education
Bristol Hotel +55 (31) 3899-8600 ± 2 km
Alpha Hotel +55 (31) 3899-8800 ± 1.5 km
Belvedere Hostel +55 (31) 3891-9207 ± 2 km
Hostel Pousada Casarão +55 (31) 8529-3989 ± 2 km
Sefiroh Hostel +55 (31) 99142-0875 ± 3.5 km
Mundial Parque Hotel +55 (31) 3891-1003 ± 7 km
Hotel Central +55 (31) 3891-1889 ± 2 km
Príncipe Hotel +55 (31) 3891-7117 ± 2 km
Hotel CEE +55 (31) 3899-2157 ± 50 meters


Average meal price = R$ 42.00/Kg – Non-weighted cheap meal = R$ 10,00.

Distance from Viçosa to other cities:

  • Belo Horizonte: 240 km
  • Brasília: 980 km
  • Conselheiro Lafaiete: 180 km
  • Ipatinga: 265 km
  • Juiz de Fora: 170 km
  • Rio de Janeiro: 380 km
  • São Paulo: 680 km
  • Vitória: 410 km


Cities near Viçosa:

Ouro Preto –

Mariana –

Tiradentes –

Serras de Minas –

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